Further, it is estimated that OPEC collectively has between 4 and 6 million spare barrels of daily production. 此外,据估算,石油输出国组织的日闲置产能合计达400万到600万桶。
Design and realization of daily production cost calculating in Steel-making Plant 炼钢厂日生产成本核算的设计与实现
Random measured data is regressed using SPSS software, and the mathematical model among internal returns ratio and the daily production of single well and the well depth was obtained. 利用SPSS软件对随机测得的数据进行回归,得到内部收益率与单井日产量和井深的具体数值方程。
The determination of single well economic limit applies the incremental analysis with the illustration of the calculation on initial daily production and economic recoverable reserve for single well. 单井经济界限的测算,主要应用增量法,并举例说明单井初始日产量及经济可采储量的测算。
Then, according to mathematics equation of the model, an equation of internal returns ratio and daily production of single well and well depth was derived. 然后,根据模型的数学方程推导出关于内部收益率与单井日产量和井深的方程式。
Improve performance of existing stamping process in daily production. 持续改进已有冲压模具的设计与工艺并以此促进产能的提升。
Make the monthly and daily production plan according to the order and inventory demand. 根据客户订单、库存需求制定月及日生产计划。
How does people make use of the elasticity in daily production and life? 人们在生产、生活中是如何利用物体的弹性的?
Security Production Management in the Enterprise; Follow EHS policy and procedures to ensure the safety in daily production operation. 从《安全生产法》谈企业的安全生产管理执行安全卫生规程,保证日常生产操作的确安全性。
Some accident of chlorine liquefaction leakage and the treatment methods were introduced, and the notes to prevent liquid leakage at daily production was proposed. 介绍了多起氯气液化器泄漏事故的处理情况,提出了日常生产中防止液化器泄漏的注意事项。
Design of A Informationization System for Daily Production Management of Middle and Small Scale Pig Farms 一种中小型养猪场日常生产管理信息化系统的设计
They have 40 major projects coming on stream over the next five to seven years to replace 1m barrels of daily production. 未来五至七年,他们将有40个重大项目投产,以替代100万桶的日产量。
It shows negative correlation between internal returns ratio and well depth, and positive correlation between interval returns ratio and daily production of single well. 数值方程显示:内部收益率与井深成负相关关系,与单井日产量成正相关关系。
Opec has an official daily production ceiling of 30m barrels. 欧佩克目前的官方日产量上限是3000万桶。
S.oil companies account for half of the daily production in Angola, which now rivals Nigeria for the title of Africa's largest producer of oil. 美国石油公司在安哥拉的石油开采量占当地每日开采量的一半。安哥拉可以挑战尼日利亚的非洲最大原油生产国的地位。
The remote management in substation operation affects the transferring of production information always delayed, which goes against the daily production management and decision making. 基层班组远距离管理的特点使得生产信息的流转经常不及时,本部掌控基层班组的生产动态延时就较长,不利于日常生产工作的管理与决策。
Manage and coordinate technicians to play daily production supporting roles effectively and also helping engineers in evaluations. 管理及协调工程日常工作,提供协助以便工作效率提高。
Supervise and develop a team of supervisors for daily production monitor; 管理及发展管理团队完成日常的生产监控。
Solve quality problems during daily production and in-process audit, incoming inspection. 解决日常的生产和过程检验、进料检验中发现的质量问题。
Generally, the daily global production indices are given by engineers with the help of their experiences, which makes the supervision of daily production a large extent of fuzziness and randomness. 选矿日综合生产指标对组织每日选矿生产具有重要作用,当前选矿日综合生产指标通常由选矿工程师凭人工经验给出,导致对每日选矿生产的指导带有很大的模糊性与随意性。
The enterprise localization is the east wind, the daily production double brand LCV product main development base. 企业定位是东风、日产双品牌LCV产品的主要发展基地。
Timely share the necessary information for the daily production with co-technicians. 及时同相关同事分享必要的日常生产信息。
Linear Programming Solving Scheduling Question of Daily Production Plan of Automobile Factory's Press Shop 线性规划求解汽车冲压车间日计划编排问题
Analyzes daily production and cost data to ensure mine is operating within overall production and budget forecasts. 分析每日生产和成本数据,以保证矿山在预算内运作。
A CAD dynamic supervision management system of daily production reporting for underground mines using CAD techniques is established. 本文利用CAD技术建立了地下矿生产日报动态监视系统。
Application of CTI to Data Acquisition and Management in Daily Production CTI在日常生产数据采集与管理中的应用
Wireless data transmission is used very often in our daily production and life. 无线数据传输在我们的生产生活中应用很广泛。
Process mining plays a very important role in our daily production work. 流程挖掘在社会日常生产工作中起到非常重要的作用。